Sunday 31 May 2009

Whatever happened to politics?

Labour logoImage via Wikipedia

Listening to the news/Telegraph propaganda wing of the Tories, we may as well all give up now. They are predicting a third place for Labour, which given that all three parties have been shown to be guzzling down the freebies seems a little unfair. Although the idiot MP who tried to claim back his five donation to charity probably says a lot about how the Commons viewed the system. Brown himself seems to have been low profile on this the matter, although better time for reflection and mature response than the hair-shirt ideology being pushed by the Lib Dems.

I am not up to speed on mosaics (sounds like I need to have a look...) but the thought does occur that even the old retainers need a few words of comfort from the the commander-in-chief and probably right now more than ever. For the first time yesterday while supping a pint in a seafront pub, I heard one punter announce he was voting BNP. This was not some shaven-headed thug but Mr Normal out with a few friends for a bevvy or two and did shake me a bit.

I suspect we all need to brace ourselves for some fairly unpleasant results, but I do despair of an electorate that probably knows more about Susan Boyle's love life than politics.
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