Tuesday 29 April 2008

Der Fenestra

Decided to go down to the Whiterock Hotel for lunch and fell to about computers and beer with a chap I met at the bar over a pint of Olympia, a very nice beer indeed and thoroughly recommended. He introduced me to a girl called Carina, who was having trouble with her computer. She had managed to install a BT dialer which took some getting rid of mainly because her computer like Carina was German and my entire knowledge of the language comes from reading "Battle Picture Library" as a boy!

Did the necessary quicker that I would have thought possible by deleting the HTML files that were running the pretty little dial up the machine was offering, this brought IE6 and Outlook Express back online and all was well. I earned a pint and the gratitude of a foreign student so all in all not a bad day at all.

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The Whiterock Hotel, home of some of the best beers in Hastings.

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