Saturday, 28 February 2009

Bit of Twit

Decided to use my Twitter account; for no other reason than it might attract some more clients my way. The attempts to form my own business have been less than successful and things are looking a little bleak at the moment. Not sure that this Twitter thing will do much, but I suppose I do have to try. My account is everyone is welcome, not just webheads, so maybe see you there!

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Monday, 9 February 2009

Lynks after encounter with mysterious ear ripper

Professional hackers at work..

Professional Hacker at work Click here for a link to the pages!

Hack album coverImage via Wikipedia

This is a fascinating account which highlights how easy it is with a little research to hack a major company.
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Tuesday, 3 February 2009


This is an interesting little Web 2.0 application that I got the heads up from a friend in London. Wordle is an application that allows you to create Word Clouds, pictures from a group of words. Just insert some text and watch Wordle do its thing. To make this slide show I started in Wordle and having created each picture took a screen shot of the finished item, once I had done all that, it was time for phase 2 of the project. Animoto is an online slide show application. You can upload a series of images and Animoto will turn them into a slide show. Because its classic Web 2.0 you can export the finished product to a variety of different social networks and blogs. In this case, I copied the embed code to this blog. The result a simple but effective online slide show with animation and music to suit. Result is a professional looking slide show that required me only to know how to upload some pictures...

A Wordle/Animoto mashup